- Create booking on dashboard
- Complete this form to let us know to look out for the funds
- Send your customer our bank details – If this is your first time using our Bank Transfer service
then please get in touch with our Support team who will send you the list of bank account details
you will need –
- Customer sends payment to us, including sufficient to cover any bank charges as we will only
allocate the value of the fund that we receive –
Information we require on the payment so that the Finance Department can identify and allocate as swiftly as possible.
- Trust My Travel Booking ID e.g. 123-654321
- Name of Traveller as per the booking on our dashboard
- Our Finance Team will allocate the payment to their booking
- We send a payment and protection receipt to your customer
Refund Process
- Contact our Finance Team
- Our Finance Team will refund the money directly to your customer. Please provide customer
name, address, bank account number and sort code. If an international account an IBAN will also be required.
Our bank details:
We have different accounts for different currencies. Please contact our Finance Team for the correct bank account for your client